The invoice ID will be set to the following fields on a transaction when paid:
- Order ID
- PO number
This will allow you to look up a transaction by an invoice ID and vice versa. If you set the invoice number field on an invoice, then the transaction order ID field will be this invoice number in place of the invoice ID.
Create Invoice
Create a new invoice.
Request Method:
URL Endpoint:
Name | Type | Default | Description | Required |
currency | string literal | Currency that invoice amounts should be in ("USD", etc.) | * | |
company_name | string | Name of company issuing the invoice | ||
company_logo_url | string | Hosted location of logo image to include on invoice | ||
customer_number | string | Optional identifier for the invoiced customer to match merchant records | ||
customer_id | string | ID of the saved customer being invoiced (must be a valid customer id if included) | ||
invoice_number | string | Optional identifier for the invoice to match merchant records | ||
payable_to | object | object containing details for the person the invoice is being paid to | * | |
payable_to .id | string | ID of the stored address you want to make the invoice payable to | ||
payable_to .first_name | string | First name | ||
payable_to .last_name | string | Last name | ||
payable_to .company | string | Company name | ||
payable_to .address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 | * | |
payable_to .address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 | ||
payable_to .city | string | City | * | |
payable_to .state | string literal | State, in 2-character format ("KS", "QC", etc.)) | * | |
payable_to .postal_code | string | Postal code (must be a valid postal code for the country provided) | * | |
payable_to .country | string literal | Country, in 2-character format ("US", "CA", "MX", etc.) | * | |
payable_to .phone | string | Phone number | ||
payable_to .fax | string | Fax number | ||
payable_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") | ||
bill_to | object | object containing details for the person the invoice is being billed to | * | |
bill_to .id | string | ID of the stored address you want to make the invoice billable to | ||
bill_to .first_name | string | First name | ||
bill_to .last_name | string | Last name | ||
bill_to .company | string | Company name | ||
bill_to .address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 | * | |
bill_to .address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 | ||
bill_to .city | string | City | * | |
bill_to .state | string literal | State, in 2-character ("KS", "QC", etc.)format | * | |
bill_to .postal_code | string | Postal (must be a valid postal code for the country provided) code | * | |
bill_to .country | string literal | Country, in 2-character ("US", "CA", "MX", etc.) format | * | |
bill_to .phone | string | Phone number | ||
bill_to .fax | string | Fax number | ||
bill_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") | ||
date_due | datetime string | Date the invoice is due ("2021-02-13T06:00:00.000Z")by | * | |
items[#] | object array | array containing line items included in the invoice | * | |
items[#] .status | string literal | "pending" or "paid" | * | |
items[#] .type | string | "" | Type of item | |
items[#] .name | string | "" | Name of item | |
items[#] .description | string | "" | Description of item | |
items[#] .unit_price | integer | Unit price of item | * | |
items[#] .quantity | integer | Quantity of item | * | |
items[#] .quantity_shipped | integer | 0 | Quantity of items shipped to customer | |
items[#] .product_code | string | "" | Product Code of item | |
items[#] .commodity_code | string | "" | Commodity Code of item | |
items[#] .unit_of_measure | string | "" | Unit of measure of item ("lb", "kg", etc.) | |
items[#] .alternate_tax_identifier | string | "" | Alternate tax ID for item | |
items[#] .taxable | boolean | false | Whether local and national tax should be applied at the item level rather than the invoice level | |
items[#] .local_tax_rate | string | "" | Local tax rate for item ("1.000") | |
items[#] .local_tax | integer | 0 | Local tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .national_tax_rate | string | "" | National tax rate for item ("1.000") | |
items[#] .national_tax | integer | 0 | National tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .tax_rate | string | "" | Combined tax rate for item (local tax + national tax) | |
items[#] .tax_amount | integer | 0 | Tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .discount_amount | integer | 0 | Discount to take off the item's total amount, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00)) | |
items[#] .freight_amount | integer | 0 | Freight amount to add to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
advanced_fields | boolean | false | Whether or not to include additional fields for line items (advanced fields include quantity_shipped, freight_amount, unit_of_measure, taxable, local_tax_rate, local_tax, national_tax_rate, national_tax) | |
enable_tax | boolean | false | Whether or not to enable tax (if enabled, tax applied at the invoice level will override taxes applied at the item level) | |
enable_shipping | boolean | false | Whether or not to enable shipping | |
require_shipping_details | boolean | false | Whether or not to require shipping details | |
require_billing_details_on_payment_only | boolean | false | Whether or not to require billing details only at time of payment | |
tax_percent | string | Tax rate to apply to invoice total if enable_tax is true. A rate of "0.000" will cause tax to be read as a flat amount. | * | |
tax | integer | calculated amount | Total tax amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00). If tax_percent is included and is not "0", this field will be overridden with the calculated amount. | |
shipping | integer | calculated amount | Shipping amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
amount_paid | integer | calculated amount | Amount of the invoice that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
service_fees_paid | integer | calculated amount | Service fee amount that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
surcharge_paid | integer | calculated amount | Surcharge amount that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
discount_credited | integer | calculated amount | Discount amount that has already been credited, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
adjustment | integer | 0 | Apply a payment adjustment to the total amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
allow_partial_payment | boolean | false | Whether or not to allow partial payment of the amount due | |
transaction_type | string literal | "sale" | "sale" or "authorize" | |
payment_methods[#] | string array | Allowable payment method types ("card", "ach", and/or "mail") | * | |
card_processor_id (can be "") | string | ID of the payment processor to use for credit card payments | * | |
ach_processor_id (can be "") | string | ID of the payment processor to use for ACH payments | * | |
message | string | Message for customers viewing the invoice | ||
send_via | string literal | How to send invoice notifications ("email", "text", "both", or "none") | * | |
email_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") |
Get Invoice By ID
Retrieve details for the specified invoice.
Request Method:
URL Endpoint:
/api/invoice/{ invoice id }
"status": "success",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"id": "bhi9vado3hogrne0u4tg",
"currency": "USD",
"company_name": "ACME Inc.",
"company_logo_url": "",
"customer_number": "123Customer",
"payable_to": {
"id": "",
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"company": "Merchant Business",
"address_line_1": "123 Some St",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Some City",
"state": "IL",
"postal_code": "60000",
"country": "US",
"phone": "5555555555",
"fax": "5555555555",
"email": ""
"bill_to": {
"id": "",
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"company": "Some Business",
"address_line_1": "123 Drury Lane",
"address_line_2": "",
"city": "Some City",
"state": "IL",
"postal_code": "60000",
"country": "US",
"phone": "5555555555",
"fax": "5555555555",
"email": ""
"created_at": "2019-02-13T22:52:26Z",
"date_due": "2019-02-13T06:00:00Z",
"items": [
"id": "bhi9vado3hogrne0u4t0",
"name": "Widget",
"description": "A widget for processors",
"quantity": 1,
"quantity_shipped": 0,
"unit_of_measure": "",
"unit_price": 100,
"discount": 0,
"discount_type": "$",
"taxable": false,
"local_tax": "0",
"national_tax": "0",
"tax_rate": "0",
"tax_amount": 0,
"amount": 100,
"status": "pending"
"advanced_fields": false,
"subtotal": 100,
"tax_percent": "0.00",
"tax": 0,
"total": 100,
"amount_paid": 0,
"adjustment": 0,
"amount_due": 100,
"payment_methods": ["card"],
"card_processor_id": "bhi5qa5o3hogms88jojg",
"ach_processor_id": "",
"status": "pending",
"message": "Thank you for your business!",
"reject_message": "",
"send_via": "none",
"last_sent_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "2019-02-13T23:15:43Z",
"public_url": "d038ea94-3f4f-4703-9e94-74792605944e",
"hosted_url": "http://localhost:8080/invoice/d038ea94-3f4f-4703-9e94-74792605944e"
Search Invoices
Retrieve details for all invoices that match provided search criteria.
Request Method:
URL Endpoint:
Name | Type | Description |
id | object | Object containing details for searching by id |
id .operator | string literal | "=" or "!=" |
id .value | string | invoice id to match or exclude |
amount_due | object | Object containing details for searching by amount_due |
amount_due .operator | string literal | "=", "!=", "<", or ">" |
amount_due .value | integer | amount to match or exclude |
date_due | object | Object containing details for searching by date_due |
date_due .start_date | date string | Searches by date_due between the provided start_date and end_date. (Dates in UTC "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SSZ") |
date_due .end_date | date string | Searches by date_due between the provided start_date and end_date. (Dates in UTC "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SSZ") |
limit | integer | Maximum records to return (0-100) |
offset | integer | Number of records to offset the return by |
Update Invoice
Update an existing invoice.
Request Method:
URL Endpoint:
/api/invoice/{ invoice id }
Name | Type | Default | Description | Required |
currency | string literal | Currency that invoice amounts should be in ("USD", etc.) | * | |
company_name | string | Name of company issuing the invoice | ||
company_logo_url | string | Hosted location of logo image to include on invoice | ||
customer_number | string | Optional identifier for the invoiced customer to match merchant records | ||
customer_id | string | ID of the saved customer being invoiced (must be a valid customer id if included) | ||
invoice_number | string | Optional identifier for the invoice to match merchant records | ||
payable_to | object | object containing details for the person the invoice is being paid to | * | |
payable_to .id | string | ID of the stored address you want to make the invoice payable to | ||
payable_to .first_name | string | First name | ||
payable_to .last_name | string | Last name | ||
payable_to .company | string | Company name | ||
payable_to .address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 | * | |
payable_to .address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 | ||
payable_to .city | string | City | * | |
payable_to .state | string literal | State, in 2-character format ("KS", "QC", etc.)) | * | |
payable_to .postal_code | string | Postal code (must be a valid postal code for the country provided) | * | |
payable_to .country | string literal | Country, in 2-character format ("US", "CA", "MX", etc.) | * | |
payable_to .phone | string | Phone number | ||
payable_to .fax | string | Fax number | ||
payable_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") | ||
bill_to | object | object containing details for the person the invoice is being billed to | * | |
bill_to .id | string | ID of the stored address you want to make the invoice billable to | ||
bill_to .first_name | string | First name | ||
bill_to .last_name | string | Last name | ||
bill_to .company | string | Company name | ||
bill_to .address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 | * | |
bill_to .address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 | ||
bill_to .city | string | City | * | |
bill_to .state | string literal | State, in 2-character ("KS", "QC", etc.)format | * | |
bill_to .postal_code | string | Postal (must be a valid postal code for the country provided) code | * | |
bill_to .country | string literal | Country, in 2-character ("US", "CA", "MX", etc.) format | * | |
bill_to .phone | string | Phone number | ||
bill_to .fax | string | Fax number | ||
bill_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") | ||
date_due | datetime string | Date the invoice is due ("2021-02-13T06:00:00.000Z")by | * | |
items[#] | object array | array containing line items included in the invoice | * | |
items[#] .status | string literal | "pending" or "paid" | * | |
items[#] .type | string | "" | Type of item | |
items[#] .name | string | "" | Name of item | |
items[#] .description | string | "" | Description of item | |
items[#] .unit_price | integer | Unit price of item | * | |
items[#] .quantity | integer | Quantity of item | * | |
items[#] .quantity_shipped | integer | 0 | Quantity of items shipped to customer | |
items[#] .product_code | string | "" | Product Code of item | |
items[#] .commodity_code | string | "" | Commodity Code of item | |
items[#] .unit_of_measure | string | "" | Unit of measure of item ("lb", "kg", etc.) | |
items[#] .alternate_tax_identifier | string | "" | Alternate tax ID for item | |
items[#] .taxable | boolean | false | Whether local and national tax should be applied at the item level rather than the invoice level | |
items[#] .local_tax_rate | string | "" | Local tax rate for item ("1.000") | |
items[#] .local_tax | integer | 0 | Local tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .national_tax_rate | string | "" | National tax rate for item ("1.000") | |
items[#] .national_tax | integer | 0 | National tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .tax_rate | string | "" | Combined tax rate for item (local tax + national tax) | |
items[#] .tax_amount | integer | 0 | Tax amount to be added to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
items[#] .discount_amount | integer | 0 | Discount to take off the item's total amount, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00)) | |
items[#] .freight_amount | integer | 0 | Freight amount to add to the item's total, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
advanced_fields | boolean | false | Whether or not to include additional fields for line items (advanced fields include quantity_shipped, freight_amount, unit_of_measure, taxable, local_tax_rate, local_tax, national_tax_rate, national_tax) | |
enable_tax | boolean | false | Whether or not to enable tax (if enabled, tax applied at the invoice level will override taxes applied at the item level) | |
enable_shipping | boolean | false | Whether or not to enable shipping | |
require_shipping_details | boolean | false | Whether or not to require shipping details | |
require_billing_details_on_payment_only | boolean | false | Whether or not to require billing details only at time of payment | |
tax_percent | string | Tax rate to apply to invoice total if enable_tax is true. A rate of "0.000" will cause tax to be read as a flat amount. | * | |
tax | integer | calculated amount | Total tax amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00). If tax_percent is included and is not "0", this field will be overridden with the calculated amount. | |
shipping | integer | calculated amount | Shipping amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
amount_paid | integer | calculated amount | Amount of the invoice that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
service_fees_paid | integer | calculated amount | Service fee amount that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
surcharge_paid | integer | calculated amount | Surcharge amount that has already been paid, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
discount_credited | integer | calculated amount | Discount amount that has already been credited, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
adjustment | integer | 0 | Apply a payment adjustment to the total amount of the invoice, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
amount_due | integer | calculated amount | Amount of the invoice that remains due, expressed in cents (100 = $1.00) | |
allow_partial_payment | boolean | false | Whether or not to allow partial payment of the amount due | |
transaction_type | string literal | "sale" | "sale" or "authorize" | |
payment_methods[#] | string array | Allowable payment method types ("card", "ach", and/or "mail") | * | |
card_processor_id (can be "") | string | ID of the payment processor to use for credit card payments | * | |
ach_processor_id (can be "") | string | ID of the payment processor to use for ACH payments | * | |
message | string | Message for customers viewing the invoice | ||
send_via | string literal | How to send invoice notifications ("email", "text", "both", or "none") | * | |
email_to | string | Email address (must be valid email format, "") |
Delete Invoice
Delete the specified invoice.
Request Method:
URL Endpoint:
/api/invoice/{ invoice id }
"status": "success",
"msg": "success"