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Settlement Batches

Batch Terminal

You can settle individual terminals by sending a POST request to the following endpoint: /api/terminal/{terminalID}/settle


You can use batch_number to identify the batch number for a specific transaction.

For a terminal transaction you will get a BatchNum in the response in data->response_body->terminal->processor_specific->BatchNum

You can see an example in the terminal tab response Transaction

Retrieve details for all settlement batches that match provided search criteria.

Request Method: POST

URL Endpoint: /api/settlement/batch/search

batch_dateobjectObject containing details defining a batch date range
string""Searches by batch_date between the provided start_date and end_date. (Dates in UTC "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SSZ")
string""Searches by batch_date between the provided start_date and end_date. (Dates in UTC "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SSZ")
settlement_batch_idobjectObject containing details defining a range of id's
string literal"=" or "!="
stringThe settlement batch id to match or exclude
limitinteger10The number of results to return (1-100)
offsetinteger0The number of results to skip (1-1000)